1. One of the functions of angels is to help mankind attain salvation. TRUE
  2. Angels do not have free moral agency. FALSE
  3. Satan was originally created as an angel. TRUE
  4. The word “angel” comes from the Greek word “angelos” which means MESSENGER or AGENT.
  5. All angels are of the same kind or class. FALSE
  6. Cherubim cover or carry THE THRONE OF GOD.
  7. Cherubim have 4 wings and 4 faces.
  8. Seraphim have 6 wings.
  9. The 24 elders are resurrected saints, such as Abraham, Moses and Noah. FALSE
  10. Angels can appear as humans on the earth. TRUE
  11. Since angels are spirit beings and already immortal, they are not concerned with the subject of Salvation. TRUE
  12. A Cherubim known as Lucifer later became known as SATAN.
  13. Lucifer allowed his own VANITY to lead him to resentment and jealousy of God and to rebel.
  14. Lucifer drew away 1/3 of the angels into his rebellion against God.
  15. Who is the god of this world? SATAN
  16. Satan accuses the brethren (converted members of the Body of Christ) before God. TRUE
  17. Satan’s purpose is to destroy all of mankind. TRUE
  18. A primary battle of Christians is against WICKED SPIRITS in HIGH PLACES. (Eph. 6:12).
  19. Satan is in a battle for the MIND of man.
  20. Christians are on their own when it comes to battling the influences of Satan. FALSE
  21. Satan will flee from a Christian if they DRAW NEAR TO GOD.
  22. It is permissible to pray to an angel. FALSE
  23. Angels act as mediators between man and God. FALSE
  24. Angels are, at present, in authority over man.  Will this always be the case? NO
  25. Man will one day be in a position to judge angels. TRUE
  26. Though Satan is the god of this world, God is in supreme command. TRUE
  27. Satan can do nothing without the permission of God. TRUE
  28. In the future, Satan is to be replaced as ruler of this world by JESUS CHRIST.
  29. After the 1,000-year reign of Christ, Satan will be loosed once again upon the earth. TRUE
  30. Eventually Satan and his demons will be put away forever. TRUE