1. The Holy Spirit is a spirit being. FALSE
  2. The trinity is a false, man-made doctrine. TRUE
  3. God begets Christians as His sons through this Spirit. TRUE
  4. For a called out Christian, the Holy Spirit CONVERTS his mind.
  5. The Holy Spirit gives the Christian spiritual STRENGTH.
  6. The Holy Spirit in a Christian acts as an EARNEST of eternal life.
  7. God uses His Spirit to accomplish all His work. TRUE
  8. In the New Testament, the word, “comforter” is referring to THE HOLY SPIRIT
  9. The Holy Spirit is not a SEPARATE entity.
  10. David received his moral strength by power of the Holy Spirit. TRUE
  11. Not many in the Old Testament had access to the Holy Spirit. TRUE
  12. Kings reign by power of the Holy Spirit and the will of God. TRUE
  13. In the Bible we see craftsmen being given special talent to create beautiful works via the Holy Spirit. TRUE
  14. Christians are able to keep the Law of God by their own power and will. FALSE
  15. According to John 4:24 God is a SPIRIT.
  16. Spirit beings, including Father and Son, have bodies composed of spirit. TRUE
  17. Father and Son each maintain their own distinct identity and independent existence. TRUE
  18. God the Father was unknown in the Old Testament. TRUE
  19. Mary was made pregnant with Jesus by the Holy Spirit. TRUE
  20. Jesus Christ can beget new spiritual beings by power of the Holy Spirit. FALSE – GOD THE FATHER RETAINS THIS UNIQUE CAPACITY
  21. God begets spiritual children today by power of His Holy Spirit. TRUE  
  22. Under the New Covenant the Spirit of God is available in a universal way. TRUE
  23. This (above statement) is first explained in what verses? ACTS 2:17-18
  24. The Spirit of God in a Christian can guide them, teach them and remind them of the things of God. TRUE
  25. Newly called Christians receive the Holy Spirit after repentance and baptism by the ceremony known as THE LAYING ON OF HANDS.
  26. According to Acts 5:32 to receive the Holy Spirit we must OBEY GOD.
  27. Members of God’s church do the Work of God by what power? BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
  28. Godly principles (love, joy, peace, honesty, etc.) are created within a true Christian by the Holy Spirit. TRUE
  29. Once a person has the Holy Spirit in them they must USE IT.
  30. You cannot understand the plan of God without the Holy Spirit. TRUE
  31. A Christian, by the power of the Holy Spirit, can actually have the MIND of Christ.
  32. Just as a human father can beget children, God by power of the Holy Spirit can beget sons of God to become members of the Body of Christ––the Church. In what scripture passage do we read this? 1 CORINTHIANS 12
  33. Only people of Jewish roots receive the Holy Spirit in these New Testament times. FALSE – IT IS AVAILABLE TO BOTH JEW AND GENTILE, EVERYONE! 
  34. Once a person is baptized and receives the Holy Spirit in them, it actually continues to flow into them from God. TRUE
  35. The more we use [or invoke] the power of the Holy Spirit in us, the stronger we become spiritually. TRUE
  36. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we enter the Salvation Process as sons of God.  We remain His son, assured of eternal life as long as we RETAIN GOD’S SPIRIT IN US.
  37. Bible quote, “Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is NONE OF HIS.”
  38. Bible quote, “For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the SONS OF GOD.
  39. The best definition of a true Christian is ONE WHO HAS THE HOLY SPIRIT.
  40. We are renewed daily by the Holy Spirit through PRAYER and DILIGENT STUDY.