1. Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD and the Son of MAN.
  2. Jesus Christ is the 2nd member of the God Family. TRUE
  3. Is Jesus Christ the focal point of both the Old and New Testaments? YES 
  4. The focal point of biblical prophecy is JESUS CHRIST.
  5. What verses of the Bible describe Christ as the “Word” or spokesman of the God Family? JOHN 1:1-14
  6. John 1:1-14 makes it clear that Jesus is the God of the Old Testament.  True or False? TRUE
  7. Was Jesus Christ the one who created all things in heaven and earth? YES
  8. He walked with Noah.  He talked with Abraham.  He gave the Law to Moses.  He dwelled in Solomon’s Temple.  Who was he? JESUS CHRIST
  9. What verse tells that Christ was that Rock that led Israel out of Egypt? 1 CORINTHIANS 10:4
  10. Jesus Christ retained all His Godly power while He lived on earth as a human.  FALSE
  11. By living a sinless life Jesus qualified to replace SATAN as the ruler of this earth?
  12. By living a sinless life, Jesus Christ became our EXAMPLE.
  13. The greatest love a man can have is to LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS.
  14. Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. TRUE
  15. The greatest focal point of the universal history of mankind is what event? RESURRECTION OF CHRIST
  16. The only sign and proof of Christ being the messiah is THE SIGN OF JONAH, BEING IN THE GRAVE 3 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS.
  17. His resurrection proved what about the future of man? THAT MAN COULD BE RESURRECTED.
  18. The death of Christ, according to Rev. 13:8 was designed from what time? THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD
  19. The sacrifice of Jesus made possible the Salvation Process.  We can take advantage of this opportunity with REPENTANCE and BAPTISM.
  20. With His resurrection, Jesus is now the first of the FIRSTFRUITS.
  21. We learn of God the Father through Jesus Christ. TRUE
  22. According to Hebrews 1:3 Christ is the EXPRESS IMAGE of the Father.
  23. Jesus Christ now is the living head of the church. TRUE
  24. At the end of the 1,000-year rule by Christ, He will turn over everything to GOD THE FATHER.