1. How many members of the God Family are revealed in the Bible? 2
  2. Jesus Christ is God. TRUE
  3. Is the word “trinity“ found anywhere in the Bible? NO
  4. God’s number one purpose is to REPRODUCE HIMSELF.
  5. No person can make another person believe in God. TRUE
  6. God’s existence can be totally proved to ONESELF.
  7. What major thing that is all around us can prove God’s existence? THE CREATION
  8. Creation requires a CREATOR.
  9. Laws require a LAWGIVER.
  10. David said in Psalm 19:1, “The HEAVENS declare the glory of God, and the FIRMAMENT showeth his handiwork.”
  11. God is a SPIRIT.
  12. God in form resembles MAN.
  13. God is a family presently composed of 2 members.
  14. According to 1 John 4:8, God is LOVE.
  15. Mankind has been created in whose image? GOD’S
  16. Is God going to add to His family in the future?  YES
  17. Not everyone who has ever lived will have an opportunity to be in the Kingdom of God.  FALSE
  18. Which scripture shows that God has a plan for us and wants us to succeed? 1 THESSALONIANS 5:9
  19. Romans 8:19 states that the entire creation, “waiteth for the manifestation of the SONS of GOD.“
  20. God is presently ruling from heaven. In the future, He will rule the Universe from EARTH.