Order Your Calendar
You may order a hard copy 2025 calendar (free of charge) by sending an email to intercontinentalcog@gmail.com. Pocket planners are also available.
Bible Correspondence Course
Unleavened Bread Recipes
Check out a few of the Unleavened Bread Recipes we have posted. If you have a recipe you'd like to share, please email them to intercontinentalcog@gmail.com.
YouTube Channel

Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association
The work undertaken by Mr. Armstrong is far from finished. Perhaps now more than ever this world needs to be warned of the coming tribulation. As our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ preached, “repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” We are dedicated to continuing to spread this message. The clear, straightforward Bible teachings of Mr. Armstrong stand in stark contrast to the convoluted dogma of much of mainstream Christianity. For as long as we are able, and with as much strength as God grants us, we will keep watching world events, and warning of what is to come.
Twenty-First Century Watch Magazine
Twenty-First Century Watch is a quarterly publication of of the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association. Distributed completely free of charge, this full color magazine details current events pertaining to Bible prophecy and puts them in historical context as well as providing scriptural instruction and encouragement.
Line Upon Line: The Shocking Truth Webcast
Line Upon Line is a weekly webcast covering God's word as written as well as current events. The mission of the webcast is to make God's truth easily accessible for all those who are called.
This is a great learning opportunity as important Biblical topics will be discussed in-depth with a new topic each week. Viewers are encouraged to make topic suggestions and also interact during the live program by asking questions via Google+, youtube or facebook.
• LIVE every Friday night at 9 pm (est).
• Lasts approximately 30 minutes - 1 hour.
• Viewers may submit questions that will be answered during the live program.