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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 4 June 2021

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Greetings from Tyler,

Here we go again.  Isn’t the angry race discussion just swell?  Not for your average Joe necessarily, but Burn Loot Murder just used the never-ending narrative to ransack, and dare we say STEAL everything in sight from a Target, CVS, Walgreens, T-Mobile and a shoe store.   They only knew that there was a profitable mob action underway, and could get their share of brand new merchandise if they joined in.  These “protesters” don’t even wait to find out what they’re supposed to be outraged about.  They just break windows start fires and steal whatever they can cart off.  Here’s hoping you feel sufficiently guilty, knowing of course that it’s all your fault.

The story is that U. S. Marshalls stopped this guy, Winston “Boogie” Smith, who had a warrant for him for being a felon in possession of a firearm. He was shot when he pulled a gun on Police, so another burning and looting of Minneapolis is underway.  And it’s all our fault.  Systemic whatever.  Just try some tortured logic.  You’ll figure it out.  In the meantime, why aren’t looters just shot?  It seems that might curtail nearly all of the nonsense.  Since when is STEALING a form of protest?

Will the real batman please stand up?  Dr. Faux Chi has had a pretty rough week.  Seems that the release of his emails shows his collusion with the communists to cover up the fact that the whole Coronavirus pandemic sprang from a laboratory leak, at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to be specific, and he helped to cover that up.  We don’t know for a fact that the release was intentional, but it might have been.  The real kicker is the fact that dangerous “gain of function” research with bat sicknesses was financed with American money!  In essence, WE PAID for the pandemic at the direction of the little twerp.

He’s been hailed as the foremost expert on everything you can think of, especially the universal obsession with CORONA #19.  While Americans were being abused at varying degrees, depending on which state one might reside in, Faux Chi was pontificating as to how we might avoid becoming infected with a virus that might never have existed if he hadn’t directed 3.7 million American dollars to Wuhan where the stupidity took place.  He should have gotten a secret Blackberry (like you know who), but he used his government email account, and now his involvement in the “research” and whitewash of China has spilled out all over creation.  He dragged himself away from the five-foot full-length mirror to admit, reluctantly, that the virus might not be from “nature” just in time for his email trove to hit the fan.  But he’s still a genius, if not yet a movie star, just ask him.

We knew that fuel prices would be engineered upward, but it’s been pretty dramaticWhat a coincidence that unknown “hackers” shut down another pipeline, the first two by executive order.  Wow!  Just what the socialist crew was advocating, then it happened, ratcheting prices ever upward.  Just a happy coincidence, as far as the “save the planet” crowd is concerned.  But they’ve also been banging on about beef, and their habit of expelling gas.  We’re supposed to curtail our consumption, secure in the knowledge that we’re “doing our part.”  Then a funny thing happened.  Somehow the “unknown hackers” managed to use the Internet to shut down a quarter of the nation’s beef supply.  Just another coincidence no doubt.  Never mind that that bozo Al Gore is a major investor in the “impossible meat” that’s supposed to wean us off beef.  Never mind that the ‘global warming’ crowd has been bugging us for years about bovine flatulence.  Maybe it’s just my fertile imagination that the unknown “hackers” have managed to screw up two of the things we most love to consume, oil and beef.  Just an accident, no doubt.

So, everything is going according to plan.  Iran is on offense again.  They’ve probably gotten rid of Benjamin Netanyahu after trying for years.  Every bad guy on earth is ready to take on the U. S., knowing that the response will be tepid at best.  Pipelines from Russia to Europe are just fine, but not here, even when nearly completedThe staff, formerly known as Obama’s, is finishing the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, and indulging in elder abuse to get it done.  The former transformer said as much.  But what happens when they find out the big guy isn’t president after all?  Who’s going to tell him?  I sure hope there’ll be a video.

After thirty years of worrying ourselves sick about the ozone layer and the future climate forecast, we’re seeing temperatures in the low 60s overnight, in Texas.  We’ve had one of the coldest winters and coolest springs anyone can remember, and now it’s Summer.  The ryegrass is still thriving.  What does that tell you?  It seems that God controls the weather, not “scientists,” no matter how long they went to school.  How can we trust the “science” when the scientists have been bought?  We can’t trust them any farther than we can throw them, which in Faux Chi’s case might be clear to China.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php

[Disclaimer] Greetings from Tyler, Here we go again.  Isn’t the angry race discussion just swell?  Not for your average Joe necessarily, but Burn Loot Murder just used the never-ending narrative to ransack, and dare we say STEAL everything in sight from … Read More
Weekly Update – Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association